Full name:
(no description)
- Requires a Maven project to be executed.
- Executes as an aggregator plugin.
- Since version: version.
Optional Parameters
Name | Type | Since | Description |
allowSnapshots | boolean | version | Whether to allow SNAPSHOT dependencies. Default is to fail when finding any SNAPSHOT. Default value is: false. User property is: allowSnapshots. |
allowUntracked | boolean | version | Whether to allow untracked files when checking if the working tree is clean. Default value is: false. User property is: allowUntracked. |
alwaysUpdateOrigin | boolean | version | Whether to always overwrite the origin url in the .git/config file This is useful to ensure the proper origin url is used in CI environments Default value is: true. User property is: alwaysUpdateOrigin. |
consistentProjectVersions | boolean | version | If set to true, only the first parent/project version will be used across all version updates Default value is: false. User property is: consistentProjectVersions. |
defaultOriginUrl | String | version | Default url to use if origin remote is not found in .git/config. This is highly useful for CI servers that don't do proper clones. User property is: defaultOriginUrl. |
enableFeatureVersions | boolean | version | Whether to append the feature name to the version on the feature branch. Default value is: false. User property is: enableFeatureVersions. |
enableSshAgent | boolean | version | Whether to enable using an ssh-agent. Default value is: false. User property is: enableSshAgent. |
eol | String | version | This can be used to force the type of line ending used when rewriting poms. If not set, blank or has an invalid value, the eol will be looked up from core.eol Valid values are: native, lf, crlf User property is: eol. |
featureName | String | version | Default name of the feature. This option is primarily useful when starting the goal in non-interactive mode. User property is: featureName. |
featureRebase | boolean | version | Whether to rebase the feature branch before merging. Default value is: false. User property is: featureRebase. |
flowInitContext | FlowInitContext | version | This parameter permits you to configure branch and tag names, as shown in the following example:
<flowInitContext> <masterBranchName>master</masterBranchName> <developBranchName>develop</developBranchName> <featureBranchPrefix>feature-</featureBranchPrefix> <releaseBranchPrefix>release-</releaseBranchPrefix> <hotfixBranchPrefix>hotfix-</hotfixBranchPrefix> <versionTagPrefix>stable-</versionTagPrefix> </flowInitContext> Default value is: ${flowInitContext}. |
keepBranch | boolean | version | Whether to keep the feature branch after finishing the release. If set to false, the branch will be deleted. Default value is: false. User property is: keepBranch. |
localOnly | boolean | version | Whether to turn off all operations access the remote git repository. This will still allow network access to download dependencies and such. NOTE: THIS IS NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED! Default value is: false. User property is: localOnly. |
noFeatureBuild | boolean | version | Whether to turn off project building. If true the project will NOT be built during feature finish Default value is: false. User property is: noFeatureBuild. |
noFeatureMerge | boolean | version | Whether to turn off merging changes from the feature branch to develop Default value is: false. User property is: noFeatureMerge. |
offline | boolean | version | Whether to turn off all operations that require network access. NOTE: THIS IS NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED! Default value is: ${settings.offline}. User property is: offline. |
password | String | version | The password to use when using user/pass authentication User property is: password. |
pullDevelop | boolean | version | Whether to pull the develop branch when jgitflow is initialized Default value is: false. User property is: pullDevelop. |
pullMaster | boolean | version | Whether to pull the master branch when jgitflow is initialized Default value is: false. User property is: pullMaster. |
pushFeatures | boolean | version | Whether to push feature branches to the remote upstream. Default value is: false. User property is: pushFeatures. |
scmCommentPrefix | String | version | The message prefix to use for all SCM changes. User property is: scmCommentPrefix. |
scmCommentSuffix | String | version | The message suffix to use for all SCM changes. User property is: scmCommentSuffix. |
squash | boolean | version | Whether to squash commits into a single commit before merging. Default value is: false. User property is: squash. |
suppressFastForward | boolean | version | Whether to use NO_FF as the merge strategy Default value is: false. User property is: suppressFastForward. |
username | String | version | The username to use when using user/pass authentication User property is: username. |
Parameter Details
Whether to allow SNAPSHOT dependencies. Default is to fail when finding any SNAPSHOT.
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: allowSnapshots
- Default: false
Whether to allow untracked files when checking if the working tree is clean.
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: allowUntracked
- Default: false
Whether to always overwrite the origin url in the .git/config file This is useful to ensure the proper origin url is used in CI environments
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: alwaysUpdateOrigin
- Default: true
If set to true, only the first parent/project version will be used across all version updates
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: consistentProjectVersions
- Default: false
Default url to use if origin remote is not found in .git/config. This is highly useful for CI servers that don't do proper clones.
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: defaultOriginUrl
Whether to append the feature name to the version on the feature branch.
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: enableFeatureVersions
- Default: false
Whether to enable using an ssh-agent.
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: enableSshAgent
- Default: false
This can be used to force the type of line ending used when rewriting poms. If not set, blank or has an invalid value, the eol will be looked up from core.eol Valid values are: native, lf, crlf
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: eol
Default name of the feature. This option is primarily useful when starting the goal in non-interactive mode.
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: featureName
Whether to rebase the feature branch before merging.
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: featureRebase
- Default: false
This parameter permits you to configure branch and tag names, as shown in the following example:
<flowInitContext> <masterBranchName>master</masterBranchName> <developBranchName>develop</developBranchName> <featureBranchPrefix>feature-</featureBranchPrefix> <releaseBranchPrefix>release-</releaseBranchPrefix> <hotfixBranchPrefix>hotfix-</hotfixBranchPrefix> <versionTagPrefix>stable-</versionTagPrefix> </flowInitContext>
- Type: com.atlassian.maven.plugins.jgitflow.FlowInitContext
- Since: version
- Required: No
- Default: ${flowInitContext}
Whether to keep the feature branch after finishing the release. If set to false, the branch will be deleted.
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: keepBranch
- Default: false
Whether to turn off all operations access the remote git repository. This will still allow network access to download dependencies and such.
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: localOnly
- Default: false
Whether to turn off project building. If true the project will NOT be built during feature finish
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: noFeatureBuild
- Default: false
Whether to turn off merging changes from the feature branch to develop
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: noFeatureMerge
- Default: false
Whether to turn off all operations that require network access. NOTE: THIS IS NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED!
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: offline
- Default: ${settings.offline}
The password to use when using user/pass authentication
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: password
Whether to pull the develop branch when jgitflow is initialized
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: pullDevelop
- Default: false
Whether to pull the master branch when jgitflow is initialized
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: pullMaster
- Default: false
Whether to push feature branches to the remote upstream.
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: pushFeatures
- Default: false
The message prefix to use for all SCM changes.
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: scmCommentPrefix
The message suffix to use for all SCM changes.
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: scmCommentSuffix
Whether to squash commits into a single commit before merging.
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: squash
- Default: false
Whether to use NO_FF as the merge strategy
- Type: boolean
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: suppressFastForward
- Default: false
The username to use when using user/pass authentication
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: version
- Required: No
- User Property: username